9th-12th graders....8 scholarships have been added to the scholarship blog, under the financial aid tab, at bloomingdaleguidance.org
Take some of your time on break and apply, apply, apply!!!
Blog posts December 2019
Scholarships have been added to the blog.....check them out!!!
FAFSA Challenge Winners
FAFSA Challenge Winners.....come to guidance to collect your prize!
Kevin Ochoa
Karen Ortiz
T'aziah Miller
Daniel Marquis
Quinton McCoy
Ryan Harding
Nya King
Jerquan Fagan
Dominic Gonella
Abigail Rendon
Sophia Slavin
Julio Wilches
Zach Terhorst
Eleanor Kosky
Liset Medina Cruz
College Application day Winners!!!
College Application day Winners.....come to guidance to collect your prize!
Alexis Guyton
Nicole Rose
Kristhyan Espinol
Samantha Moscoso
Chloe Flossic
Elizabeth Moore
Sophia labrasciane
Morgan Robertson
Mariana Perez
Aleyra Martinez
Naomi Zamora
Sam Young
Dillon Currey
Michel Miranda…
Write Your Future Wednesday Winners!!!
Write Your Future Wednesday Winners from College App Week...come to guidance to collect your prize!
Haley Griner
Isabella Brown
Mascot Monday Winners!!!
Mascot Monday Winners from College App Week...come to guidance to collect your prize!
Yaidilis Diaz
Kayla Chaney
Adriana Nam
Olivia Wicktor
Sarah Allison
Patrick Brady
Yaiselys Herrera-Felipe
Natalie Rhinesmith
Costa Rica Trip
If interested, now is the time to enroll!
$200 off if you enroll by the end of the day tomorrow (Friday)
To enroll, please visit the Tour Website at:
See Mrs. Edgeman with any questions.
Congratulations...come pick up your prize!
HCC rep in Mrs. Edgeman's office, in Guidance, TODAY, during all 3 lunches. Come see her during your lunch and get any questions answered about HCC. Also, if you want help with the HCC application, she can help you apply right then and there.
Juniors...don't miss it!
Attn Juniors!
collegeboard opportunity scholarships info session for Juniors
TONIGHT, December 10th at 7:00pm
media center
Don’t miss it! Learn about all kinds of money you could win!
VERY IMPORTANT...Attn 9th-11th graders!
Community Service has changed for 9th-11th graders, to a new community service platform, called Profferfish!
You need to go to http://profferfish.com/ and create an account. Your pin is your STUDENT ID.
From now on you should use this site instead of the paper forms for community service.
Attn Juniors!!!
Collegeboard Opportunity Scholarships info session for Juniors
TOMORROW night, December 10th at 7:00pm
media center
Don’t miss it! Learn about all kinds of money you could win!
Community Service opportunity
Clair Mel Elementary
12/16-12/20 (weekdays next week, after exams)
helping the social worker sort & stock the clothes closet
Come see Mrs. Parsley in Guidance @ Bloomingdale ASAP if interested!
Costa Rica Trip Info Session
Tuesday, 12/10/19 @ 6:00pm
media center
Come on out if you are interested in learning more about the trip!
RSVP @ the link below:
ASVAB on February 20th!
10th-12th graders….ASVAB will be on February 20th!
@ 8:40am in the auditorium
Sign ups are on the wall in guidance…sign up if you want to take it.
-not just for people looking to join the service...one of the best interest inventories (matches your interests and abilities to help you …
Dual Enrollment...Important Info!!!
Students interested in dual enrolling in the spring MUST submit paperwork to HCC by 12/6 (this Friday), and must enroll in their class(es) by 12/13 (next Friday). See your counselor for more info, eligibility, and to obtain registration paperwork!
Class of 2020 Rank Freeze Date
Attention Seniors, the Rank Freeze date for the class of 2020 will be Friday, February 14th, 2020. Grades from virtual and dual enrollment courses must be received with an "Issue Date" no later than Monday, January 13th, 2020 in order for those grades to be included in the final GPA calculation for…