
Bloomingdale High School Counseling Department

Home of the Bulls

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2014-2015 Moose Youth Awareness Program

Each year, local Moose Lodge representatives ask high school officials across North America to recommend two high school students to State Association Youth Awareness Congresses, which are held in November of each year.  Students are selected based on academic achievement and leadership qualities.  Those who attend an Association Youth Awareness Congress are asked to create a Moose Kids Talks presentation by selecting a topic and developing a presentation around that topic.  They are then asked to find an opportunities, with the assistance of their sponsoring Moose Lodges to speak to groups of 4 to 9 years old children.  Each student is asked to present a minimum of three Moose Kids Talks between the end of the Association Youth Awareness Congress and February 2015.  They are also asked to complete written reports on their presentations and submit them to their respective Association Youth Coordinator.


In early May each year, approximately 60 students, who attended Association Youth awareness Congresses and completed the minimum of three Moose KidsTalks presentations, are selected by their peers to attend the International Youth Awareness Congress.  At the conclusion of the International Congress, five students will be selected by the attendees to receive scholarships. The awards are:


1st place: -$12,000

2nd place-$8, 000

3rd place-$5,000

4th place-$3,000

5th Place-$2,000


The Association Congress event will be held on November 8th this year at the Brandon Moose Lodge.  See Mrs. Usher for a permission slip

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