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American University GAP Year Program

The Gap Program for domestic students comprises 7 undergraduate credits per fall and spring semester and 6 credits during the summer term. Each semester you will enroll in a program comprised of an internship experience and a seminar course. You have the option to enroll in a single semester (fall, spring, or summer semester) or take a year-long program.

Fall Semester:
Seminar - American Politics or Global Business – 3 credits
Mentored Field Practicum (Internship course) – 4 credits

Spring Semester:
Seminar - American Politics or International Affairs – 3 credits
Mentored Field Practicum (Internship course) – 4 credits

Summer Program:
Seminar - Global Business - 3 credits 
Intro to College Inquiry - 3 credits
*Please note: there is no internship component offered during the summer program. 

To learn more about the courses offered in the AU Gap Program, please visit theAU Gap Curriculum page


The internship experience is beneficial because you will start to make contacts, build credentials, and gain real-world experience through the internship and mentored field practicum class.


Gap Program staff do not place students in internships; however you will be given the tools to secure your own internship. Searching for an internship is a key skill developed through this experience. Prior to entering the Gap Program, you are given access to resume builder software and work with program staff to fine-tune your resume. After arrival on campus, you will work with the Gap Program office staff and a professor to fine-tune your search and secure an internship.

You will have access to the School of Professional & Extended Studies Internship Database—the largest of its kind focusing on internships in the Washington, D.C. area. With over 3,000 internships in the database, many employers specifically turn to the School of Professional & Extended Studies at American University for their semester interns. There are internships are available in areas of interest ranging from politics and justice, communications, international affairs, psychology, and arts & sciences.

Visit for more details.

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